A happy tenant stays in the apartment for a longer time.

Monitoring and developing tenant satisfaction is one of the most important aspects of a rental company's business. The importance of tenant experience is often overlooked, even though a pleasant tenant experience is one of the most important factors in building a long-term tenant relationship.

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More than 30 players in the real estate sector rely on our services

Provide your resident with a first-class living experience

Improve the tenant experience and extend tenancies

It is definitely worth investing in the tenant experience, as satisfied tenants are more likely to continue their tenancies. High tenant turnover is costly and time-consuming: even a 5% increase in tenancy can increase revenues by 25-95%.

Create new cash flows and save on costs

Make more efficient use of resources, communicate centrally and save money. As an apartment manager, you should aim to maximise the work that delivers visible value to the resident. Administrative work cannot be avoided, but it can be optimised so that it no longer takes up such a large slice of the manager's time.

Make your brand modern with Komu

Digital services are the order of the day - bring your business to the forefront of the digital wave and stand out as a more attractive rental company. Residents expect digital customer service and providing it is a competitive advantage for your rental company.

How we improve the profitability

Komu services streamline your processes and support the management of resident relations
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Easier communication

With the Komu app, residents can find all their housing-related information in one place. The resident app's AI-assisted customer service makes customer service available around the clock!

Measuring resident satisfaction

It makes sense to monitor the development of occupant satisfaction in good time, so that changes can be detected and reacted to. In the Komu application, resident satisfaction is measured automatically at various service points, for example when making reservations. This allows you to continuously monitor its evolution.

Integrates with all your existing systems

The resident application can be connected to existing systems and there is no need to learn how to use new systems.

Let's make living together easier!

Contact our sales team and we can tell you more about our products

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Latest stories on Komu products for rental housing companies

Here are some of our latest blogs and customer stories

Let's make living together better.

Because tenants deserve top-notch digital and user-friendly services.

Interested? Send us a message!

Call or send an email, let's together make your tenants' living experience first-class!

Otakaari 5 A,
02150 Espoo, Finland
+358 41 318 3397
© Intu Enterprises Oy 2024